lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

Creative writing assignment review of Shakespeares Hamlet when it was new

 I am doing a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the Future Learn website and I am learning / relearning about Hamlet. I have an assignment to do so I thought I'd post it here. Putting myself in the first person of an audience member of Shakespeare's Hamlet, I am to write a review.
 Dear Mr Shakespeare,
I was glad enough to be given a ticket to the opening performance of Hamlet and was delighted by Richard Burbage's performance. Oh, how perfectly you casted him in the role! His delivery was amazing to watch,  but I do have a few questions about the play itself.Is Claudius’s reaction to the poisoning scene in the play of Gonzago’s Murder sufficient to convince us of his guilt? 
The plot was very like The Spanish Tragedy,but it was a story about the royal scandal,murder and revenge,were not those story seemed all alike?But of course, this is a tragedy, and it's not going to be alright. I shan't spoil the ending for you but suffice to say that any play which starts with a revengeful ghost can only be stuffed full of questions about death and mortality. 
Never have I heard a theatre audience so quiet as when that spectre walks the stage but it sets the mood perfectly for what is to come.
Mr Shakespeare has every reason to feel immensely proud of what he has achieved here. I am sure that this Hamlet is one of his finest plays to date and have every confidence that it will run and run. throughout centuries.

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